
Showing posts from May, 2009

The Joy in Teaching

During my early days I worked as a instructor in a college, where I use to teach for textile students .It’s one of my unforgettable and enjoyable days in my career. Today accidently, I was talking to my old student in yahoo chat. Its more than 6 years I was been touch with him. I asked him still you remember me, he replied “How Can I forget my Teacher “ !! Honestly speaking, after a very long time by seeing his reply I felt full of joy inside me :) You cannot get this type of job satisfaction is any job. A good teacher is like a candle - it consumes itself to light the way for others. ~Author Unknown

Zoo Zoo Vodafone Ad Miracle

Most of the time commercial break is the time to switch channel to another channel .But when vodafone ad flash on the TV screen during IPL season II we love to watch this ad. Is this is a Animated character ? When I first saw this ad I thought its animated ,then after reading in the NEWS come to know this is not animated .All the character in the ad are human being ,mostly Women’s and children . Watch this below Video you will come to know this !! What is the Name of the Character ? Zoo Zoo is the name , no science behind the name .Just to make as simple they have given this name .As this ad become a big hit ,Zoo Zoo have big fan club in Face book .Tshirt ,Key Chain ,Mug are getting ready soon will hit the stores. Who make this ad ? Ogilvg India ,a team under Rajiv Rao executive creative director created this egg head aliens .Prakesh Varma ad film maker Nirvana films directed the commercial .They short this ad in South Africa . How many ad totally ? Vodafone planned to air one ad per d

Software Solution for Apartment Management

Read this in today News paper .A software for apartment management !! If we have more than 10 floor apartment , maintaining that is important , same time its also a difficult task too. So here is a solution where you can send SMS , email update to all its member in the apartment .Important document can be shared lot more interesting stuff Have a look .

Let all breath the freedom Wind

When the rights of the people get denied anywhere in the world .Like a volcanic eruption the anger will come out. The way of fight against the injustices may differ. Gandhi took non violence, Subhash Chandra Bosh took violence , the objective of both of them are same . All living being like freedom .Because life of every living creature is designed in a fashion to breath the freedom .When the evil force try to suppress you do not give up. Arise awake and stop not till the goal is reached — Swami Vivekanda

The Election 2009 – India

And the result is almost over , the congress and its allies going to get a comfortable majority and will form the Government .We are going to get a stable government for the next 5 years . This is good for the Market people. Most probably Dr. Manmohan will become the next Prime minister 

Do Not Inject Education

“Most of the Indian woman know only two things in life , one is to ask their Kids to study well and the other thing is to eat well”. Some where I have read this line in a Novel . The Tamil Nadu +2 school results are out yesterday .Everyone was jumping and making more noise, people got more marks giving interview that they are going to become a Doctor will help Poor people. When you come on limelight , suddenly they become a Mother Teresa!! You Might have seen MISS / MRS Beauty queens say’s the same thing Helping poor. Education is the only way in India for middle class family to become rich. To achieve this ,Parents forcefully make their Kids to do only one Job to Study ,study, study .Like a broiler Hen you have only one task in your life after finishing that you have to die !! This result unwanted pressure on the students during school days .The Joy in learning soon become big burden for the Kids .High punishment ,School children committing suicide becoming common in new . Another big

This Month Buy Wish !!

more details about the book

Garden in Apartment !!

Due to summer heat , its too hot around me. I thought to make my living space more greener, So did some research in the net and got the idea of Gardening in apartment. Went to the near plant nursery, asked for the common plants rate.In Bangalore the rate as usual it too high .One small palm plant is around Rs 40 !! So check the same plant cost in my native(Nagercoil ) surprisingly got 6 small plam plant for Rs 50 . So if you want to start one in your apartment better if you can buy the plants from out your city you can save some money :) Brought 6 pot,a medium size will cost you Rs 30-40.Even if you want to buy Sand,you can buy a gunny bag will cost you around Rs 40.To start with , I spent Rs.300 and got 6 pot of plants.If this goes well then I have plan to extend more next months. Here is the Tips How to Plant the plants in the Pot (I know how to do this from My father, he loves gardening and have lot of plants in my home town) 1.Break Some Brick into Small Pc and put some the bot

Disaster in Translation !!

Last Sunday May 10, 2009 , Congress Party President Ms.Sonia Gandhi campaigned with chief minister Dr.M.Karunanidhi in Chennai for the 15th parliamentary election in India . Ms.Sonia Gandhi talk to a huge gathering of people and its live telecasted in TV, millions of people watched the event .Ms.Gandhi's speech was in English , its then translated to local language Tamil . The big disaster happen in the translation .The message what Gandhi spoke is not translated Properly .Example She told 60,000 Crore farm loan waiver.But the translator translated as 6,ooo Crore !!! Then the leader in that meeting corrected the translator . It’s surprise for me ,a very important meeting for the DMK government and its UPA allies in TN.This Meeting is one of the biggest in 2009 election campaign in TN. Ms.Gandhi came from Dehli in a separate flight to address the meeting .Irrespective of TN chief minister Dr.M.Karunanidhi health problem ,he attended the meeting .Only 3 days more for election in

Travelling …

I do not know how I got the Passion for travelling , Man is a explorer in nature searching some thing for him throughout his life . “The use of traveling is to regulate imagination by reality, and instead of thinking how things may be, to see them as they are.” -Samuel Johnson so I chose a Job which allow me to travel more .Averagely every 6 month will be a new place for me to experience and live. Travelling is basically a “change” in the way you live your day to day life . One fine morning you go to a new place , meet new people shake hands and start your work , wine and dine with them !!! It’s totally a different kind of living . What about Food !! naturally you will be forced to eat different kind of food .Not everyone is blessed to eat all kind of food , some time you do not like or your religion stops you to eat .I don’t like to be more religious on eating , I have tasted as much as I can what every fall on my hands ,after all you are going to have one life so explore and eat . E