Disaster in Translation !!

Last Sunday May 10, 2009 , Congress Party President Ms.Sonia Gandhi campaigned with chief minister Dr.M.Karunanidhi in Chennai for the 15th parliamentary election in India .

Ms.Sonia Gandhi talk to a huge gathering of people and its live telecasted in TV, millions of people watched the event .Ms.Gandhi's speech was in English , its then translated to local language Tamil .

The big disaster happen in the translation .The message what Gandhi spoke is not translated Properly .Example She told 60,000 Crore farm loan waiver.But the translator translated as 6,ooo Crore !!! Then the leader in that meeting corrected the translator .

It’s surprise for me ,a very important meeting for the DMK government and its UPA allies in TN.This Meeting is one of the biggest in 2009 election campaign in TN. Ms.Gandhi came from Dehli in a separate flight to address the meeting .Irrespective of TN chief minister Dr.M.Karunanidhi health problem ,he attended the meeting .Only 3 days more for election in TN

The message What Ms.Gandhi has to communicate to the people has not translated correctly!!.The election rally is all about to tell the people what they can do for the people and ask for their VOTE

Where they made their mistake

Translation Should always to be one to one .Example the speaker speak one sentence , then the translator should translate that .But it didn’t happen in that way .Ms.Gandhi Spoke 5 or more sentence , then the translator translated .This created the problem .The translator miss many words what Ms.Gandhi Spoke .so many important points has not translated properly

When 80 % of Ms.Gandhi Speech was over , leaders in the meeting forced to change the translator .But the damage has been done already .Its like half backed information communicated to you ,which lead more confusion .

Is people came for this in the hot burning afternoon for this meeting?

The Organizers has to be more careful when important leaders speak in important meeting like this .

Good communication is as stimulating as black coffee, and just as hard to sleep after.
-Anne Morrow Lindbergh


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