Good bye 2009 !!

After conquering many Kingdome, the Great King at the age of 32 was returning to his homeland with tones of gold, silver and precious stones.
On his way back a mysteries illness stuck him. He asked his army to rush to his distant homeland so that he can see his mothers face .But he realized his illness would take over him soon and it is not possible to reach home.

He called his generals and said, “I’m going to die soon and I have three wishes you have to do after my death”. With tears, the general agreed.

1.I want my physician to carry my coffin , so the world  know that not all the illness can be cured by physicians .So let not people take life  for granted.

2.When my coffin get carried to the grave , the path to be strewn with gold , silver and precious stones
I  have spent my life for gathering richness, but I cannot take even a single piece of gold when I die .So it’s  waste of time if we chase wealth all our life.

3. Let both of my hands be out of the coffin
 I want the people to know I have come empty handed into this world and I will leave the same way

Kings first wish – We are not going to get New Years every year, let us not take every year for granted.
Kings Second wish –Let us not spend all our time and energy to earn Money. Let us have a balanced Family & Professional life.
Kings third wish – We are going to go with empty hand let us not make our life more complicated

Note :The incident I have mentioned above some people says  it was said  by Alexander the Great , Some says its not .If its true I will appreciate if you give the history for ref . 


It always feels good to start another year.

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