Weekly Planning

     One of the keys to success is to plan. "Failing to plan is planning to fail". The advantages of planning are it will give you the focus for that week/day and you know what are the important task you need to complete. This also helps you to do what you could and should have done for that day. When you check the completed task, you move one ladder up in your self-confidence. Also, the other side is also true, if you miss doing what you could and should be dingo will pull you down and over a period of time, it brings disaster to your life.

So let us jump and see how to do your weekly planning

Plan the week Before 

Always plan the week before doing the 3R- Reflect - Review - Replan 

Reflect, how the week went by,  what gone well, what not went well and what you could have performed well.

Review your goals on how  you are doing on your higher priority on your task 

Replan, based on reflection and review make adjustment and plan for the next week.

Template for your Day Planning 

Each day discipline yourself to block all the 24 hours. At a high level, it should look like this to have a balanced life.

Weekly/Day Planner example 

1 Step: Write what are the goals you are working on
2 Step: Write the priorities for this week 
3 Step: Fill your role for step 1 and step 2 

Your family outing, Kids sports day - your role is as a Father or Mother. 
Reading books, attending seminars, studying for certification - your role is as a Professional 
Morning exercise, reading scripture - Role as Personal 

 The idea is to give a role to each of your goals and it needs to be balanced- example if you are spending too much time with your business and less time with your family, then your life is totally out of balance.

4 Step: Fill the activity based on point step 1 and step 2 
This will answer the below question 
What task you are going to do 
What day you are going to do 
What time of the day you are going to do

Try doing this for the next month, you will realize that you might have avoided all the unwanted task and distraction in your life. 

The heights by great men reached and kept were not attained by sudden flight,
But they, while their companions slept, Toiled ever upward through the night.
- Henry Wadsworth


picknhook said…
Great blog……. Thanks for sharing……….

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