Autobiography & Biography which I have read so for

I like to read Auto Biography & Biography very much. The one question I search on every ones life is Where they get the spark in there life which has made them to become ordinary to extraordinary .


Here are the below Auto biography & Biography which I have read so for

Karl Marx 

Communist leader

Subhash Chandra Bosh
( Indian Leader )


Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
( Father of India )

Swami Vivekananda
( Great Indian Saint )

Velupillai Prabhakaran
( LTTE Leader )
Federal Castro

( Founder DMK & Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu )

Periyar Ramasami
( Social Reformer & Foundr DK Party )

Bill Gates 

Sam Walton
Man Behind Wal-Mart

A P J Addul Kalam
( President Of India )

Lance Armstrong
( Cyclist who came back cancer )

(Russian Communist leader )

( Great Tamil Leader & CM Tamil Nadu )

Anne Frank 
( Her diary become famous for her hidden life during  world war II )

Dr Ida Scudder 
( Founder Christian Medical College Vellor )

Dr.Martin Luther 
( Father of Protest stand Church ) 

( Who wrote Indian constitution & Great Dalit Leader )

Abraham Lincoln  
( American President ) 

( Indian Religious Philosopher )

J Krishnamurthy 
( Indian Religious Philosopher  )

Akio Morita 
(  Founder SONY)

( Indian President )

Srinivasa Ramanujam 
(Indian mathematician )

Mahakavi Subramania Bharathiyar
( Great Tamil Poet ) 

Rabindranath Tagore 
( Bengali Poet Who got Nobel Price for literature )

Yasser Arafat 
(Palestinian leader )

Alexander The Great 

Khushwant singh 
( Indian  Writer )
R K Narayanan
 ( Indian Writer )


CBS said…
Oops....Such a biiiigggg list:-)
Hoping to read ur autobiography soon...

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