
Showing posts from October, 2009

95 Theses of Luther - 31 Oct 1517

You need to have the courage and inner strength to challenge someone who is more powerful than you.Dr.Martin Luther know that when he nailed the 95 theses they will try to nail him down too. When asked about Dr. Martin Luther’s contents on his book this is his famous reply Unless I am convinced by the testimony of the Scriptures or by clear reason (for I do not trust either in the pope or in councils alone, since it is well known that they have often erred and contradicted themselves), I am bound by the Scriptures I have quoted and my conscience is captive to the Word of God. I cannot and will not recant anything, since it is neither safe nor right to go against conscience. May God help me. Amen.[55] Here I stand It’s a different church history after 31 Oct 1517 , its because of the Dr. Martin Luther .A truth is a truth all we need is the courage and strength to speak out .

Bought few new books last week

1.33 Strategies of War – Robert Greene 2.India cast System A Study – C.Hayavadana Rao 3.The Bakula – Sudha Murthy 4.The Land of The Tamilians & Its Missions – E.R.Baierlein 5.The Christians of Kerala – History , Belief&Ritual among the Yakoba – Susan Visvanathan 6.Eat,Pray,Love by Elizabeth Gilbert Lot more to read .... .

Why this different stand on Dam ??

Here is a problem on Dam , but different way of solution Brahmaputra River The origin of this river is from Tibet which is a part of china , news says that China is going to built a dam across Brahmaputra river & India is asking not to construct a dam as it affect water issue in some state in Inida Mullaperiyar Dam Historical Back Round This dam was constructed by the British Army , in 1886 madras government made a agreement with Travancore state to lease the water for 999 years for yearly rent of Rs 40,000/-.After Independence Mullaperiyar dam come under the control of Tamil Nadu government . What is the disputes ? TN government has proposed to raise the water level from 136Feet to 142 Feet .Kerala government is opposing this , raise in water level may affect the Hundred year Old Bridge and the people who live around the area Now Kerala government is proposing to build a new dam to save this old dam .And the Indian government in the center has given a clearance to do a survey

Lesson from News Paper Boy

One of my favorite is to have a cup of coffee & New Paper in the morning and to go with zip by zip .. haaaa…with both the combination it’s a awesome experience. Today early morning saw the paper distribution people in the city , they are very busy arranging the papers , bundling them and to carry them to each home as early as possible . Few thoughts come to my mind , is there any lesson to learn from them ?? 1.The message what they carry with them is Update and Fresh Today new paper are tomorrow waste paper , if we are not updated in whatever we do every day , then later or soon we too become waste.So learning should be continuous process to every one 2.Be early as possible In business when you find opportunity be there early as possible .And give the best what you can offer to your clients . 3.Do not Mix language ,religion ,cast ,color into Business The paper boy carry’s daily news paper with different language and topic from politics, Business, Spirituality … He cannot draw a

Ramachandra Guha -India After Gandhi

Finish reading Ramachandra Guha – India After Gandhi .Its a book ( around 900 pages ) about India history after Independence 1947 – 2008 .Very Interesting to read & to know what has happened after British left India . During India – Pakistan partition Leaders who divided the map forgot to handle or have no idea of how people from both parts will migrate. In this mass migration thousands of people died due to communal violence. Indian Constitution Dr.B.R.Ambedkar, work for India constitution which is believed to be one of the largest in the world. Dr.B.R.Amberkar is one of the non congress ministers in Jawaharlal Nehru Congress cabinet. Kashmir Issue Even in one time the American government offer the King of Kashmir to Join USA !!! Why India is separated based on Language ? Potti Sriramulu a single man from Andhra Pradesh , death caused for separating India based on language .Its hard to believe , but it’s the fact .Then why in north India most of the Hindi speaking state like Biha

Apartment Garden

Few weeks back brought some more plants to my apartment garden .Green & nature always give a warm touch to our heart . I’m inspired more by lots of tips and ideas for apartment garden How we can have a garden apartment ? Where is the space ? There are big plants to small plants.Even you can have very small plants in your office working table . If you like to have little bit green around your living area .All you need to do some google and pick idea & start implementing it . And here is My Apartment Balcony Garden Brought some creeper plants .Hope in coming days its gives more green touch This is my wife selection This fish we brought from nearby exhibition I have heard of sun bath !! What is this bath called ??Balcony Garden bath ?? Oh .. My Son is enjoying this !! .

Read about digg web site today morning in Reader's Digest What is the idea behind this ? 1.If some one got a interesting article & if he feel to share with other .He can upload here it can be a movie , Photo ,article … 2.People around the world read article , and they have 2 option digg or Bury . 3.More the people digg , it will get more points & get highlighted on the front page of website The interesting part is , it’s the end user marking or highlighting about the article .so the information which got more Value get highlighted I believe I found this site very late .Better late than never !! Check it out Digg .

Why we still remember Mahatma Gandhi ?

Jesus Christ is one of the first social reformer , who teaches people to love thy enemy. Even when he was in the cross he prayed for his enemies . For Gandhi ,Sermon on the Mount was one his guidance and inspiration.There were three photos on the wall over his desk .One is Jesus Christ,Justice Ranade & Annie Besan. Martin Luther King Jr was impressed by Gandhi’s Non violence movement, which lead him to fight for civil rights movement in America for black people. Recently President Barak Obama was asked by a school student Which person you would like to dine with ? He said: “I think it might be (Mahatma) Gandhi, who’s a real hero of mine. “It would probably be a really small meal because he didn’t eat a lot.” If you have not read My Experiments With Truth - Autobiography Of Mahatma Gandh then you should try this book Gandhi's Life is a message to this world !! That’s why we still love him