Why this different stand on Dam ??
Here is a problem on Dam , but different way of solution
Brahmaputra River
The origin of this river is from Tibet which is a part of china , news says that China is going to built a dam across Brahmaputra river & India is asking not to construct a dam as it affect water issue in some state in Inida
Mullaperiyar Dam
Historical Back Round
This dam was constructed by the British Army , in 1886 madras government made a agreement with Travancore state to lease the water for 999 years for yearly rent of Rs 40,000/-.After Independence Mullaperiyar dam come under the control of Tamil Nadu government .
What is the disputes ?
TN government has proposed to raise the water level from 136Feet to 142 Feet .Kerala government is opposing this , raise in water level may affect the Hundred year Old Bridge and the people who live around the area
Now Kerala government is proposing to build a new dam to save this old dam .And the Indian government in the center has given a clearance to do a survey to built a new dam .
Why is a double stand , we are asking China to not to build a dam on Brahmaputra River & here we are allowing to do survey to construct a new dam !!!
There is a old saying
A separate rule for him and for others its another rule