
Showing posts from March, 2009

The Lesson from my Football Coach

You might have seen before starting football or Cricket match, where player’s form a round circle, the coach or captain Stand in the middle and talk something to the team. What they talk at the last movement?!! I was playing for a local Football club name “BIMBO” in my native Nagercoil .Before every match start my coach use to say this words EVEN YOU DIE IN THE GROUNG DO NOT WORRY , BUT NEVER GIVE UP TILL THE END OF THE GAME I carry this words still today , When things goes tougher and tougher in work I say to myself , If I die in my work place , then someone will be there to take and bury me , but never give up till the end . .

Out of Box thinking

It’s the time when there is a race to space between X and Y country . Both of them meet with the same Problem , the Pen we use in earth does not work in the space due to 0 gravity !! So X invented a PEN which work in 0 graving , with millions of dollars invested in R&D , Y asked for the formula , but they refuse to give . What to do now , Y took pencil to the space !!! Some time you will get simple solution to solve complicated problems , only thing you have to do is think out of the box . .

Business and Innovation

This is the photo I took in a Bus . This is a Bus mobile pouch , so you don’t want to worry about keeping your mobile in your pocket while travelling . Innovation in business is like pumping new force to your business every day , which make you keep moving and growing .Innovate new idea and make yourself different from others . Keep your mind like a parachute , it works only when it open ! Be ready to get open ideas MAKE YOUR FIRST TIME CUSTOMER AS A LIFE TIME CUSTOMER !!! .

Feeling Bad about this SMS

Got this SMS , once I read I felt bad In USA a machine was invented to catch Thieves , they took it to different country to test .In UK 3o Min it catch 50 thieves , in Spain it catch 110 thieves .In India 15 min the machine was stolen If you tell the truth you don't have to remember anything. ~Mark Twain .

Who we are ???

If someone ask what is your name ? the answer for this question will carry many other answes. I tried and found out my Forefathers name , it’s a journey like travelling 200 year backward from today Still I want to know more about my ancestor … How they look like ? What occupation they did for their living ? How the kings and British ruled them? What are the tradition they followed ? To know you past history is like knowing yourself ,because your carry your forefather gene with you which occupies them !!

The tomb I would like to Visit

Karl Mark , The great communist thinker , who worked his enter life for labors. The messages carved on Marx's tombstone are “WORKERS OF ALL LANDS UNITE” .The tomb was in Highgate Cemetary - London, UK. The below link is a beautiful picture captured in Marxs tomb Martin Luther , The Great Reformer , he changed the human history after his 95 theses Martin Luther tomb was in Castle Church in Wittenberg,Germany, the stone marking his tomb stating: “Here lies the body of Martin Luther, Doctor of Sacred Theology, who died in his hometown Eisleben in the year of our Lord 1546 on the 18th day of February after having lived for 63 years, 2 months and 10 days.” As Great Leaders choose their inner calling they are living with us with their thoughts even today , As we refuse our the inner call we die inside every day !!

The Knowledge Hunt

Its quite some time I’m using Internet net for information .Whether its to buy new books , Guitar notes ,professional info , personal etc ... Net is a great resource . Google We cannot think a world without GOOGLE If I want to go to my Blog or twitter , I just type allwynlive in the browser then you can see link as above in google search page . Orkut In my community I get information about latest book from “I Love Reading community “.In this community people review about what they have read .Most of the time I decide to buy books from this community feed back Wikipedia If you want to know about Place , Person ,meaning anything, then this is the place where I find information .The interesting part is we can edit more information and contribute our knowledge through this site . Twitter This is another micro blog where lots of information get shared by different people from different walks of life . The good sign is the willingness to share the info what they have learned . Blog Anoth

Why I do not buy pirated Books

I strongly believe the money we pay for any Book is only for the Paper and the printing cost ,its not for the matter printed on it and if you want to pay for the matter then you cannot buy any books . If you buy pirated book all the money will not go to the people to whom it should deserved to , Its like you work hard for a month and your salary get credited to someone else account !! A book is like a garden carried in the pocket - Chinese Proverb Lets pay for it

This is my first Video Blog !!!

And this song dedicated to all my blog readers When every I take my guitar , will not keep it down without singing this song .It's composed by my Guru Maniks , Who thought me the Art of Music .

Are we living for others ?

Saturday I was inside the city bus , Bangalore . Behind my seat two guys were talking .One of the guy said “My friend brought a car and did extra fitting only inside the car and did nothing outside. He was very much specific in his comfort which is more important than showing to others by decorating outside the car "! Many times life force us to live for others , and we wear a faking mask to cheat others ,but in reality we get cheat our self