The tomb I would like to Visit

Karl Mark , The great communist thinker , who worked his enter life for labors.
The messages carved on Marx's tombstone are “WORKERS OF ALL LANDS UNITE” .The tomb was in Highgate Cemetary - London, UK.

The below link is a beautiful picture captured in Marxs tomb

Martin Luther , The Great Reformer , he changed the human history after his 95 theses

Martin Luther tomb was in Castle Church in Wittenberg,Germany, the stone marking his tomb stating:

“Here lies the body of Martin Luther, Doctor of Sacred Theology, who died in his hometown Eisleben in the year of our Lord 1546 on the 18th day of February after having lived for 63 years, 2 months and 10 days.”

As Great Leaders choose their inner calling they are living with us with their thoughts even today , As we refuse our the inner call we die inside every day !!


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