Weekly Planning
One of the keys to success is to plan. "Failing to plan is planning to fail". The advantages of planning are it will give you the focus for that week/day and you know what are the important task you need to complete. This also helps you to do what you could and should have done for that day. When you check the completed task, you move one ladder up in your self-confidence. Also, the other side is also true, if you miss doing what you could and should be dingo will pull you down and over a period of time, it brings disaster to your life. So let us jump and see how to do your weekly planning Plan the week Before Always plan the week before doing the 3R- Reflect - Review - Replan Reflect, how the week went by, what gone well, what not went well and what you could have performed well. Review your goals on how you are doing on your higher priority on your task Replan, based on reflection and review make adjustment and plan for the ne...