3 Ring of Small Organization say about 10-50 people

White – Management or Co Founder
Red-Core Team

Management or Co Founders ( White )

Management or Cofounder they are the gravity force of each small organization and they need to have the energy/ force to hold all the people.

People on the White circle should not get dissolved , If they do then the damage will be more.

The Core Team (Red)

People who actually run the day to day business and those who are with the White team from the beginning , I call them as core team .

Management has to identify people in their organization who are more efficient , hard working and keep adding them to the Red team .

If Management can able to hold Red team for longer ,then the benefit will be more.

Others (Brown)

Less efficient workers & People who walk in and walk out easily , we cannot ignore them but we can identify them .The quicker they move out higher the benefit.

A successful team beats with one heart


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