
Showing posts from December, 2009

Good bye 2009 !!

After conquering many Kingdome, the Great King at the age of 32 was returning to his homeland with tones of gold, silver and precious stones. On his way back a mysteries illness stuck him. He asked his army to rush to his distant homeland so that he can see his mothers face .But he realized his illness would take over him soon and it is not possible to reach home. He called his generals and said, “I’m going to die soon and I have three wishes you have to do after my death”. With tears, the general agreed. 1.I want my physician to carry my coffin , so the world  know that not all the illness can be cured by physicians .So let not people take life  for granted. 2.When my coffin get carried to the grave , the path to be strewn with gold , silver and precious stones I  have spent my life for gathering richness, but I cannot take even a single piece of gold when I die .So it’s  waste of time if we chase wealth all our life. 3. Let both of my hands be out of the coffin  I want t

My Christmas Song ....

Merry Christmas !!

Calvary Lutheran Church Nagercoil , Tamil Nadu ,India .

BSA Tour of Nilgiris 2009

Riding a bicycle for 900 KM in 8 days covering 3 states of south India Karnataka ,Tamil Nadu and Kerala !its going to be a big challenge and you need to have the  real passion inside you to pedal 900 KM . Around 70 participants are on the road and today is the 4 th day !! Dec 16 Bangalore – Mysore 136.79 KM Dec 17 Mysore Hassan 118.80 KM Dec 18 Hassan – Madikeri 111.22KM Dec 19 Madikeri – Irupur 79.77 KM Dec 20 Irupur Rest Day Dec 21 Irupur-Sultanbathery 69.56 KM Dec 22 Sultanbathery – Ooty 90.60 KM Dec 23 Ooty – Mysore 124.58 KM You can track the tour in Flicker Photo Live Bloging Last year ( 2008 ) blog cover up  Official Web site   After seeing this it is tempting to join the tour for the next year !! 

Blue Moon on 31 Dec 2009 !!

Normally in a year there will be 12 full moon .If we get 12 + 1 Full moon in a year , then 13th full moon is called as Blue moon  !! 2009 Dec we are going to have 2 full moon 2 Dec 2009 31 Dec 2009 What a day to end and start a New Year !!

Morning Walk !!

S tarted to go for a morning walk every day for 30 Min   .Waking   up early especially during winter season and going for a walk   is not a fun but it’s important !! I can say I’m a sports man during my school / college days.You can see me  playing  soccer or cricket almost all the days in a week , but not now L We start to loss the health to earn .And then to earn the health we start losing  what we have earned !! I totally agree with C hetan Bhagat  words Don’t just have career or academic goals. Set goals to give you a balanced, successful life. I use the word balanced before successful. Balanced means ensuring your health, relationships, mental peace are all in good order. Planning and started to set goals   toward balanced successful life in coming days J

The Traffic Jam Fun !!

Thought to write a blog on traffic jam in Bnagalore.Before writing got some interesting pictures from google. And here we go . We follow traffic rules strictly Do I want to wear a helmet ?? And Some cricket action ... Is it a Out or Not out ?  Its a Wide Six !! Is the rules says only the guy who sit on the front need to wear the helmet ? And we do self service too When the Green turns to Yellow , we increase the speed as much as possible and finally end up like this !! Is there any space left  ?? How may lane we have formed !! Can we apply for a  guinness records ?

Reading ....

I'm the person who love reading .I use to carry a small pocket note .If I find reviews about books in the new paper or magazine.I used to make a note on that book / author name .The next time when  I visit the book store I will not for get to check that books . Today I  come to know about two blog which falls under the subject Reading In this blog( it is in Tamil ) the author write review about the books what  he has read .Lot of information about tamil  / English  books  . Another blog is  .This  website gives information about woman writers on different subject . The more you read , you will find there is still more unknown to read !!