
Showing posts from July, 2009

GAP YEAR – Between School and College

While travelling in train every time I used to see the PNR List on the train to find out the people who travel next to me . This Tuesday surprised to see five 19 year British name. All the boys are very young .Travelling with trekking bag ,latest IPode & one bag full of Novels. Here is the Book list what they have The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo - Steig Larsson Life of Pi by Yann Martel South India Travel Guid And some James Bond Book After some time I asked them Are you here for a Vacation ?!!! They said , they are from ENGLAND , just finished school , before joining college took a year break they called this as GAP Year .Visiting South India .Kerala , Karnataka ,Tamil Nadu, Pondicherry . This GAP Year is not a imaginable things for a Indian Student .Isn’t It !! I was thinking Why this GAP Year . Is this will helpful us in life . Hear is a student testimony Before "I used to think, 'I have to study to get the good grade,'" After GAP YEAR "Now it's, &

Next Month Wish List to Buy ...

The Black Swan 9 DecisionsThat Can Make You a True Leader Idli, Orchid and Will Power -autobiography of Vithal Venkatesh Kamat

Dr.Kalam & Frisking

Former President Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam has asked to do security scanning on April 21 in Indra Gandhi International Airport – New Delhi. Its a big shame that it has happen in our own mother land !!You cannot treat a person who severed for the country from highest post like this . Airlines say the rules is like that, if it so then we have to change the rule. After all human are making the rules. Today Continental Airlines apologizes formally to Dr.Kalam for the incident . .

Solar Eclipse – 22 July 2009

3600 Years ago Aryabhata (476-550 AD) explained that solar Eclipse occurs when moon passes between Sun and Earth Still its believed in India that dragon demons swallows the Sun !! during eclipse .Eclipse will harm the unborn child !! The saddest part is even the educated people believe this still now . Do not believe on something blindly because its was believed by ages .Socrates said Question everything Why and How? Do not allow anyone to fool you . Those who refuse to THINK is the real fool- Periyar

Ambur Biryani

Last month I was there in Ambur for my cousins marriage .Surprised to see the way they cooked biryani for marriage . Around 20 cooking Pots !!! Here is the Recipe .The secret is they need to keep the ingredients with equal proposition. That what you are seeing on the top It’s believed that Biryani is originated from Persia.By Mogul empire it has come to India.If you know to cook , then you can identify the way of cooking Biryani style is different from cooking other Indian food . So want to try yourself Click Here for recipe .

Google Chrome OS

I run my browser with Google Chrome since they launched last year .Now google is working with a OS (Operating System ) called Google Chrome OS !! .Google has announced this in their Official Blog Google define their OS = Speed , simplicity ,Security It’s a shift google would like to do from the tradition OS way of working from Local Machine to web .Client machine will have basic requirement where Heavy work will be taken care by the server . First the OS will be ready for the Netbook , then by 2010 to the PC . Its going to be a big challenge for Google as Microsoft is a giant in OS business . More than 90 % of PC runs in Windows . And there is a good feedback for Windows 7 . Lets us wait for the miracle to happen next year !!

Good Bye MJ .. We Love you


Review – The Reader

Last week ,after a long time watched the movie The Reader .The movie is based on German novel written by Bernard Schlink in 1995 with the same name .Movie has released on Dec 10 2008 .Directed by Stephen Dalry One line story of the movie … Hanna 36 ( Kate Winslet ) got a affair with Michael 15 (Ralph Fiennes ). The boy use to read the literary work what he was studying like The Odyssey , The Lady With The Little Dog etc .. to Hanna . So that why the Name The Reader . Why she refuse to accept the fact she is the illiterate …??!! What happen to her when she become old , did the love remains same .. ??!! You have to watch .Its a wonderful movie Kate Winslet got the Academy Award for Best actress for this movie Note : This movie got high content of adult –themed .

Surprise Letter from President of India Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam

During 2001 One of my colleague shared me the information ,there is a scientist who did a great job for India .And he has written a Book called Wings of Fire .As it’s a autobiography one of my favorite subject .I brought and read that book . And very much inspired by Dr. APJ Abdulkalam life !! His achievement as a scientist and the way he come across & executed big project . It’s a lesson for everyone to follow . If someone still not read this book then you should read that . Its highly recommended to read . Then in 2002 He was elected as President of India.I send a Congratulation Greeting Card to him to Rashtrapathi Bhavan, Delhi . After one month, I got a call from my Principle ( I was working in a college that time ) .He told we have received a letter from President office !! to you name . In fact I have forgotten the Greeting Card I have send to President. Suddenly I remember about the Mail what I have sent … The letter from president office with Dr.Kalam signature , its a t