What we can do in the Economy Slow down Time ??

Now its clear that thing are not moving good , everyone has started to feel the heat of melt down.

Due to my work , I spend more time with the Manufacturing sector.If you are in manufacturing industry,then you know ,meeting the delivery date for goods to ship, is like a delivering a baby ,the pain will be unbearable .Every day manufacturing industry bear this pain

Due to slow down ,business too become down now.Few Industry made their mind and Started to work proactively ,they started to invest there TIME by implementing New System , reengineering their process work etc ..,because Industry do not get this type of free time in normal days to do this work!!!

The point what I’m trying to make is In economy down time we can do more things

1.If you are married , might have postponed you reproduction plan due to work .Now is the time to try hard and get one .

2.If no Job , you can invest time for your fitness , can study new technology , give a try for music etc ..

3.If you have a Passion to start some thing by your own , then give a try , because as communist said there is nothing to loss .

Everyone know Economy will come up one or the other day .Its the faith on future keep us moving ….



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