The Message from The Cross ….

When People Nailed Jesus on the Cross , he was on the cross with tremendous pain , even at that time he spoke about forgiveness to his enemy

'Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.' (Luke 23:34)

Mahatma Gandhi was so inspired by Jesus Christ teaching , he liked the Sermon on the Mount .Most of the time he quoted the words from The Bible .The spark of freedom fight with Non-Violence came to Gandhi from Jesus teaching .

Martin Luther King got inspired by the Gandhi for freedom Struggle with Non-Violence

When a Good seed was sowed in human heart , it will yield good fruits !!

If we take today News Paper we know how we are living today .All the news was written in blood .Nation against Nation , people against people page to page Killing .The only species in this world which destroy his own race is the Human being .

The People Who try to divide us by religion , cast , color ,Language , nation and try to gain for their personal benefit , Be aware of this FOX , they got a sheep skin .The great revolutionist Periyar Said “ THE REAL FOOL IS ONE WHO REFUSE TO THINK “

Let us start to think aganist this evil force , which will become a action them soon

As OSHO said do not Follow Jesus or Buddha … but follow their teaching !!

Let us try to follow their teaching and try to make this world a better place to live



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