
Showing posts from April, 2009

The Joy Of Creation

If you create something by your own ,it may be a painting,New Music,New Product ……………any thing under the Sun It make take a day or a week or a year or some time a life time But the Joy and satisfaction inside you after the creation will be a divine experience The creation of something new is not accomplished by the intellect but by the play instinct acting from inner necessity. The creative mind plays with the objects it loves. -Carl Jung Swiss psychologist (1875 - 1961) So lets keep our brain fresh to learn and do new things

Creativity in House !!

If you love to do more creativity in your house or office then you should visit this blog Its mind-blowing Here are some of the Pictures

The danger of Buying Pirated Movie CD

I have read this few weeks back Every organization, movement, political party need money to do business , its may be for a good or bad cause . So how terrorist group are generating money to do evil things .One of the way is by pirated Movie CD industry .This money is directly going to do evil cause. So remember, the next time you buy pirated CD, that you are indirectly helping to Kill 100 of innocent people Please don’t do it .

Now Reading ….

The White Tiger by Aravind Adiga

Let us THINK before we Vote

Who is a Leader ?? Is he is a secular Person ? India is a secular state , neutral in religion . Do not mix religion with politics. If we encourage religion in politics soon we will become same as Pakistan or Afghanistan. Is he is thinking ahead of his people ? Before Independence we got leaders who’s thought was ahead of people , so they shaped INDIA in a right way . A leader should have a good vision for his people Is he is selfless ? Leader should work for his people , not for himself or for his family . Is is hands are clean ? It’s a wonder for a person with criminal charge to get elected again and again!!!! Let a leader’s hand to be clean Hitler said only fools can have democracy, because people cannot think and elect a person to govern the country. Let us be not a fool , let us THINK before we Vote.

The Message from The Cross ….

When People Nailed Jesus on the Cross , he was on the cross with tremendous pain , even at that time he spoke about forgiveness to his enemy 'Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.' (Luke 23:34) Mahatma Gandhi was so inspired by Jesus Christ teaching , he liked the Sermon on the Mount .Most of the time he quoted the words from The Bible .The spark of freedom fight with Non-Violence came to Gandhi from Jesus teaching . Martin Luther King got inspired by the Gandhi for freedom Struggle with Non-Violence When a Good seed was sowed in human heart , it will yield good fruits !! If we take today News Paper we know how we are living today .All the news was written in blood .Nation against Nation , people against people page to page Killing .The only species in this world which destroy his own race is the Human being . The People Who try to divide us by religion , cast , color ,Language , nation and try to gain for their personal benefit , Be aware of this FOX , they

Money Should work for Us !!

Today Morning I was travelling in a Auto . I asked the auto driver how much he earns per Month ?? He replied Rs 3600/- and her is his Break Up for a Month Details From School Trip Rs.1800 Daily Other Trip Rs.7800 Total Rs.9600 Liability Rent for Auto Rs.6000 Total Income Rs.3600 The book , Rich Dad Poor Dad by Kiyosaki’s which I have read few years back , Its Highly recommended book to ready . The author says “YOU SHOUD NOT WORK FOR MONEY BUT MONEY SHOULD WORK FOR YOU “ How Money can work for us ?? Here is a example Assume that , 4 friends invested Rs 50,000 each and buy a auto for Rs 2,00,000 . If they rent the auto they earn as below Number of Person 4 Investment Amount 50,000 Rs Total Investment 200000 Rs Investment Return Every Day 200 Rs Each Month 6000 Rs Per Year 72000 Rs Per Person 18000 Rs Invested amount Return In 2.777778 Yr Each day you start to get Rs 50 , even you do not work , your money will work for you ever

What we can do in the Economy Slow down Time ??

Now its clear that thing are not moving good , everyone has started to feel the heat of melt down. Due to my work , I spend more time with the Manufacturing sector.If you are in manufacturing industry,then you know ,meeting the delivery date for goods to ship, is like a delivering a baby ,the pain will be unbearable .Every day manufacturing industry bear this pain Due to slow down ,business too become down now.Few Industry made their mind and Started to work proactively ,they started to invest there TIME by implementing New System , reengineering their process work etc ..,because Industry do not get this type of free time in normal days to do this work!!! The point what I’m trying to make is In economy down time we can do more things 1.If you are married , might have postponed you reproduction plan due to work .Now is the time to try hard and get one . 2.If no Job , you can invest time for your fitness , can study new technology , give a try for music etc .. 3.If you have a Passion to