Rain & Traffic in Chennai

16 Oct

Went to Chennai for a official one day short trip today . Morning it was raining .And you know all the water stay right on the road itself . I remember when I was in Singapore its will rain like any thing there .After rain you can not find a drop of water on the road . Its all because of proper planning and good construction of road .It a dream to happen the same on our out road .

When I crossed Virugambbakkam , suddenly some thing strike me Hey this is where Kiruba lives . ( If some one was new to Kiruba , his blog is one of the highly trafficked blog in India , you can check out in http://www.kiruba.com/ )

One thing I love more in Chennai is its Metro train , you can go to any place in 30 Min time .

Now a today Traffic has increased a lot in Chennai .Today I read in TIMES German auto maker which has developed a new devise called TRAVOLUTION . It will always ensure you will come to a traffic light when it is green !Thus you can save fuel .

We need some long term solution for this TRAFFIC !!!


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