Power Cut in TamilNadu

In TamilNadu  in a day Except Chennai all the place faces  power cut for around 7 hr .

That is 1/3 of a day is in stone age with out power . People from all walks of life get affected from this .



What Government can do


1.Work with professionals , and plan to generate POWER from different sources .

2. I have seen many company use to closed all there windows and 24x7 lights will be ON !! WHY not use natural light . Save energy as much as possible .

3.Give subsidiary for people who use solar energy , government can give loan @ less interest for buying solar equipment 

 In this hi-tech world if we say no electricity then the world will laugh at us

Its all a team work government , people all has to work together .Stop blaming and Start to plan for the future


Failing to Plan is like Planning to fail !!


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