
Showing posts from March, 2011

The High Performance Entrepreneur By Subroto Bagchi

Reading this book for the second time !! a MUST to read book for all entrepreneurs .

Silent Spectators

This fish(s) are living with us nearly a year now!! .They are the silent spectators in our home. Watching slowly all the activity around them without making any noise. Some time I use to think .Their life is around in a small glass bowl of water. Their boundaries are restricted forcefully. But still they are helping us!! When my son cry   (all kids use this emotional blackmail J ) and ask for things which is not to be used for playing .To avoid few   situation like this .We take him near to this bowl and show the fish and divert his attention. This tiny creature moves here and there and diverts his attention.Slowly his angry face fade away J . In our walk of life, help come from many ways.We should be very much thankful for that  . .

இலங்கை இறுதி யுத்தம் (Sri Lanka finial War)- நிதின் கோகலே

Finish reading this book ( Sri Lank finial War) இலங்கை இறுதி யுத்தம்  by  Nitin Gokhale . He is NDTV's defence editor . You need to know the history to understand the present !!

Bicycle & Bangalore

If you are planning to buy a new Bicycle this web site got more information :) People started to use bicycle  for commuting to office in Bangalore. Its Eco friendly and  good for the health.  And  lot of activity are happening in cycling during weekends. Do not forget to check their web site :) .

Super Moon - March 19, 2011

“ When I admire the wonder of a sunset or the beauty of the  moon , my soul expands in worship of the Creator ”   Mahatma Gandhi