
Showing posts from September, 2009

India Nature Watch.Net

This web site is for Nature Lovers , especially for India audience . People share & Update … Photo graphs on Birds , Reptiles, mammals, Butterfly, Landscape etc Professional photograph tips , top photographers share ideas Forum – All the place in India for nature lover to visit , trip report are their ( This is my favorite ) Very interesting .If you are a Nature Lover or Need to be a nature lover you should not miss to visit this web site . Here is the link India Nature Watch.Net

Google SMS channels

Google is providing free SMS service only for inside india , you do not what to pay for sending or receiving for SMS. Its work Like this in you will find Google SMS channel . 1.Rregister Nick Name & mobile number. 2.You will receive a confirmation Number in your mobile , enter it in code & Save What you can do with this ? 1.You can subscribe to different category from Business ,jock,Job,technology .You will get SMS update in your mobile. 2.Friends / Family – a group of members can be connected with SMS update 3.For Small business , if people travel most of the time,you want to update information you can use this service . All we need is some extra creativity & its free of cost If you want to subscribe my blog update in mobile click here allwynlive

C.N.Annadurai - 100th birth anniversary

CN Annadurai ( 15 Sep 1909 – 3 Feb 1969) .He is the first Non Congress Chief Minister of tamil Nadu & the founder of DMK Well known Orator.Ones when he was in a train,someone in sleep fall on his shoulder repeatedly and keep on asking sorry.At one time when the man asked sorry Anna Replied.. My body is not a lorry to carry your sorry !! He got his degree in B.A (Hons) & M.A in Economics & Politics from Pachaiyappa’s college in Chennai When asked in Yale university ( 1968 Apl/May )to form a sentence with "BECAUSE" three time .CN Annadurai replied No sentence ens ends in because ,because,because is a conjunction . He was awarded Chubb Fellowship at Yale University , being the first non-American to receive this award. Annadurai’s 100th birthday celebration started today in Tamil Nadu . Listen to his speech .

Real Vs Reel !!

Why to copy others idea and brand . If you have the will and Vision work hard and earn for that !! .

Order 3 books today through...

Image •The Last Lecture by Pausch Randy And Zaslow Jeffrey •Treasures Of The Thunder Dragon : A Port by Wangchuck Dorji Wangmo •Making Breakthrough Innovation Happen:how 11 Indians Pulled Off The Impossible by Porus Munshi .

PM Dr.Manmohan Singh on facebook !!

Indian Prime minister is on facebook and its update regularly .Social Network has become so important now to reach people . Others on twitter External affairs minister SM Krishna Minister of State for External Affairs Shashi Tharoor

Yahoo meme

Another micro blogging like twitter , this time from Yahoo meme . Why almost everyone is using micro blogging now a days ? 1.Its Easy With in 140 words we can share any thing under the sun , it can be a news , interesting link ,data etc 2.Its Quick Information get shared very quickly , many New agency get first information from micro blogging sits now a days 3.Its Important As TATA DOCOMA add says Seconds can change the life .Now the world is changing every seconds so its important we too have to change .

Google is searching for a Python

I read this few days back …. It’s interesting and not a April fool prank which happen is Google office 1,April 2007 In some of google office pets are allowed inside the office for the employee to take .One of the employee missed a 3 foot long Python and they found the missing python after 3 days !!! A leading news paper has flashed the news as below Google is searching for a Python .