
Showing posts from November, 2008

Live in Rome like a Roman

Today attended a seminar on ERP by Prelude system partners of Microsoft dynamics in Ranipet .  What I like most is the way they kept the seminar , most of the participant are from small and Mid size company , rather than English they are familiar and comfortable with local language TAMIL . All   the people including the guy Sinivasan who gave functional advantage about the software spoke in TAMIL .  Few months back , I have attended same type of seminar conducted by RAMCO system .All the talk was in ENGLISH , I felt a GAP between the audience and the speaker .  Your company might be a MNC or big Indian TI company you can talk about technology , Market , business graph …etc in the seminar . But if you want to do business with Mid Size and Small company you have to go to there level and you have to explain , other wise your effort will become a waste .   L ive in Rome like a Roman

Christmas Season is ON …

W e have booked our ticket to home town for X-mass vacation today . Once in a year family member , friends will come to Nagercoil to celebrate the birth of   JUSES CHRIST . It’s going to be a   joyful movement for every one .  When December 1 st start Nagercoil   church will be filed with lights , Christmas carols , star on houses   , serial light , Christmas songs   firecrackers … oh it’s a season to enjoy .  This Christmas is the first Christmas for my Son , hope he is going to have lot of fun .  Plan to do Christmas   Shopping next week    1.Dress for the family members 2.Christmas Tree 3. Manger set 4.Star , serial light ,   decoration   things    Eager to see the manger set in my house this year , My DAD is a big creative man ,for more than 25 years every year he use to set the manger set differently , one type of theme and design   every year !! And this manger set was presented to him by a English man during end of 70’s. It’s made of plaster of praise. Still we

Themes on Gmail

Added new Themes on Gmail today . Cool Stuff . We can customize our Mail front page design .  Themes are small things which gives more user friendly experience . I love this .

WiMax Wireless

WiMa x is a high speed wireless internet connection, which Mobile Phone are going to get more use of it . Oh that is great . So when I talk in mobile others can see my Video .Is it Video Call ?!!  Its going to be cheep and easily accessible , speed 3 to 5 time more than what we have now .  The way of Business will change with high speed of   accessing data in mobile . With   few click in the mobile phone a business man can see his company data . So ERP service providers be ready for this change , other wise you will be get out dated .   Soon we have to say bye bye to traditional PC and Hi to Mobile PC  

Imagining India : Ideas for the New Century

L ooking forward to buy  Nandan Nilekani book which is going to launch last week of November Imagining India : Ideas for the New Century  

Now Reading ...

Stay Hungry Stay Foolish - Rashmin Bansal  If you have the fire in your belly to become a entrepreneurship you should not miss this book 

Autobiography & Biography which I have read so for

I like to read Auto Biography & Biography very much. The one question I search on every ones life is Where they get the spark in there life which has made them to become ordinary to extraordinary .   Here are the below Auto biography & Biography which I have read so for Karl Marx  Communist leader Subhash Chandra Bosh ( Indian Leader ) Hitler Mohandas Karamchand   Gandhi ( Father of India ) Swami   Vivekananda ( Great Indian Saint ) Velupillai Prabhakaran ( LTTE Leader )   Federal Castro C.N. Annadurai ( Founder DMK & Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu ) Periyar   Ramasami ( Social Reformer & Foundr DK Party ) Bill Gates  Sam Walton Man Behind Wal-Mart   A P J Addul Kalam ( President Of India ) Lance Armstrong ( Cyclist who came back cancer ) Lenin (Russian Communist leader ) Kamaraj ( Great Tamil Leader & CM Tamil Nadu ) Anne Frank  ( Her diary become famous for her hidden life during   world war II ) Dr Ida Scudder  ( Founder Christian Medical College Vellor

who is dividing Us ?

I was out side the church today as my son was crying. This church is on the main Road.. I have   seen many of them Non Christians when they pass by the church in the Bus , Auto , Two wheeler , by walk … they   close there Eyes for one or two sec and  doing a Prayer and making a Cross by them self and moving on !! In India   People are in one side . Then who is dividing Us ? We have to Think As Periya said “ Who is refusing to THINK is the real Fool “  
Change We Can Believe In  “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. ” -Martin Luther King , Jr. 1963 "If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible; who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time; who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer. -Barack Obama   2008 Yes THYE have  Changed !!

Why America is in top of the World ?

See the two speech of the leaders who fought for the   Powerful office in the world   "Tonight, because of what we did on this day, in this election, at this defining moment, change has come to America ,"  -Barack Obama When there is a victory the leader share that with others , you can see the  WE  in Obama's speech   "Though we fell short, the failure is mine, not yours,"     - McCain  When there is a defeat the leader take that responsibility , you can see the FAILURE IS MINE in McCain's speech .   If a country need to be in top of the world , you need  leaders like this !!  

Lead Packers and Movers Bangalore

L ead Packers and Movers Bangalore did the Job for us to shift the house , they have quoted Rs 4500 . From Koramangala to JP Nagar .We have check with few more vendors , this guy quoted the less price .They will charge extra Rs1000 for week end . So I ask them to do it on Friday  They came on the right time as informed .Before  they came we did some packing . Later I come to know   this is not required . They will come with  carton and some cylindrical cardboard, all the things like dress , kitchen items etc .. can be packed in that .You don’t have to worry for any thing . Just show what to pack they will do the rest 2 hr for packing and another 1 hr for repacking finish . Over all the service is good        

Brought Two Books Yesterday

1.Stay Hungry Stay Foolish by Rashmi Bansal   It’s a inspiring stories of 25 IIM Ahmedabad entrepreneur .  I have read some review about this book in the net . So yesterday went to Landmark Bangalore , Forum straight away pick the book .I will write a review about this book next week .  You can read more review on www. stayhungry  Rashmi Bansal use to write blog , you can read @   Another Book  2.To Kill a Mocking Bird by Harper Lee   Still offer is going on in Landmark, Forum Mall bangalore   .I you are a book lover don’t miss it !!