
why you should dream big?

You need to have dreams in life. Dream's not what you get during sleeping.But dreams which do not allow you to sleep. If you are not scared by seeing your dream then you are not dreaming big enough. Dreaming and imagining is a gift to man, as only sky is the limit for your imagination to fly. You can imagine you as a CEO, an artist, song writer, astronaut walking in far distance planet. The power of dreaming is to see what you want to become in future. All the things got done twice. First in your mind and then in reality. Also dream doesn't come true when you are sleeping. You need to act on in to bring it to reality. When you have the singular focus, determination, dedication and commitment you can bring any dream to reality. 


If you want to add one more powerful word near to discipline is the word 'Consistancy'. Everyone born with a natural talent and gift. But the man who finally win is who able to hold that gift and nurture them consistently day after day and month after month and year after year. Will finally beat the gifted one. Every day is what matters. Doing what is matter to you, your priority task, things which add value to you and the society and doing it every day with consistent effort over doing without consistency makes the difference.  The things what you are doing you become virtuosos.  The stand time to master in any field requires 10,000 hours. When you are consistent you can conquer the world 

Paper clip Marketing strategy

This strategy was practice by a Canadian stock broker Trent Dyrsid to track his sales call and improve his productive. Every day the first thing he does is have two small bin one full with paper  clip and another empty bin. The full bin contains 120 paper clip.  Every day his target to do 120 calls, when he finishes each call he move one clip to the other empty bin. End of the day the empty bin will become full! That's 120 sales call. Another tip is he does this as a priority task first before checking his mail or other day to day activities. Small step day after day brings big results!

Where the time goes?

 This is one of the  question we ask often. Also we wonder how some of the people do more ? The secrets is not let you time slips away. President Woodrow Wilson always have a book beside him, if he get any time it could be a minute he use to read!  We spend lot of our time in waiting- waiting to catch bus/train, waiting to meet doctor, waiting to meet a new customer. Why be prepared to use this time productively. Books come in various sizes, some of the pocket size book is my favorite it contain lot of information and always to the point. You can read couple of page with in 5 min.  By filling the time when it is available, we will be doing lot more every day!   

Reading List For Each Year

 November is a good time to plan for your reading list for the coming year. Each year have a goal to read a certain number of books. As simple as one book per month so the end of the year you should have completed 12 books!  How to create a reading list for the year? 1.First collect the list of books  Collect the list of books name which you want to read, you can ask for friend recommendation, visit a book store, browse amazon etc... So you got the list now.  2. Document the reading master wish list  In your journal, give a separate page for listing down the books which you want to read, you can add books to this list as and when required. Let it be your master list. 3.Reading Plan for the year and tracker  Let this page be the reading plan for the year  S.No Book Description & Author Name Month Status 1 How to win Friend & Influence people- Dale Carnegie Jan Completed 2 Think and

The Check List

 The aviation industry was going through a tough time before 1980 as the aircraft accident was very high. Then industry came up with a powerful solution to address these accidents by introducing "Preflight Checklist" and post introduction of this checklist after1980 the aircraft accident came down drastically. So what is this Preflight checklist?  To  Simply put, this is the checklist pilot/or the crew  MUST   perform before each takeoff. This is a simple but powerful technique to make sure we do not overlook any important things which may forget to do. This also used by many successful people to do their daily activity. It is called a Daily Checklist. Some use a similar kind of list for habit tracking. As an individual how many times you forgot to do an important activity like miss to send an important report, miss to call the customer.etc and if you get reminders to do your activity then Checklist is the solution for this. Below is the personal checklist structure look like

Impossible to possible

     It was a common belief that humans cannot run 1 mile in 4 minutes. The belief was so strong that they thought if anyone tries to attempt the body will simply collapse and not able to make take it!       Thursday, 6 May 1954, Roger Bannister demonstrated the impossible to possible by completing the 1 mile within 4 minutes. To be precise  3 minutes and 59.4 seconds! What is more significant is within 46 days John Landy from Australia broke his record. As of today thousands of athletes broke this 1 mile in 4 minutes record, including high school kids!      So what has changed before 1954 and after 1954? it is the belief system. When someone demonstrates and broke the old belief system, others also start to believe that it is possible to move the impossible to possible.       Norman Vincent Peale starts the first sentence in his book The Power of Positive thinking - Believe in yourself. Are you going to make it or break it, depends on you?      Dr Martin Luther King Jr beautif